HouseLet is a family run Lettings & Property Management Agency in Celbridge, Kildare. The business was created to service the expanding Irish rental sector in 2001. We started out letting properties then moved onto managing them and saw managing multi-unit developments as the next logical step.
Many agents primarily focus on sales and use lettings and property management to top up their income. We don’t do sales, we just do lettings and property management. This is our primary source of income, so we take it very seriously.
Our approach is based on taking the time to understand your needs and providing a solution that makes sense. Our team will not sell you a service that you don’t need. We also don’t believe in short term solutions. Most of our clients are with us 10+ years so we think long-term. So, if you decide to choose us as your managing agent, you will probably get to know us quite well.
We understand that choosing the right agent is tough so below are some answers to FAQ that might provide some more clarity.

What is our fee structure?
We charge a flat fee or % of income. Our fees are transparent and there are no hidden extras.

Do we mark-up maintenance and repairs?
The simple answer is no. Our mission is to keep your costs down and get you the best deal possible, so we believe this practice to be counterintuitive. All fees are above board and will be agreed with you in advance.

Who looks after the maintenance?
We have a team of trusted independent contractors that have been with us for years. Our team covers North Kildare, Dublin City Centre and Dublin West. If they don’t work according to our values, then we don’t work with them.

What if you aren’t happy with the service?
Tell us! We have been doing this a long time so we are confident we will deliver. If we don’t, let us know and we will do our best to make it right.